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The Puzzle of life: diversifying the classroom

  For Starters: The world is a vast array of eclectic groups of people. These groups stem far beyond race, gender, orientation, and religion. Everyone is different. We do not live in a black and white world, instead, it is a puzzling world full of pieces. As educators, it is our duty to allow students to put together the puzzle of life. To be able to do this, firstly students must feel comfortable being themselves. Some areas may not be as "diverse" at first glance but allowing students to be who they are and to create an environment free of fear can allow the true diversity of humanity to show itself. You don't have to have diverse students to teach diversity. This is where the problems can be seen. It leaves students unprepared to meet students who are different than them and can lead to unknown prejudices and judgments. "Children with a diverse background may then feel unsafe and uncomfortable in a classroom when they don’t feel that their diversity is seen or val

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